North Dakota Landlord Tenant Laws



This article provides general information and is not legal advice. For accuracy and specific guidance on landlord-tenant laws, consult an attorney before making any decisions or taking action.



  • The maximum allowable deposit is one months rent (unless the tenant is a convicted felon or has a history of lease violations)
  • Landlords have 30 days to return the deposit after move out.
  • Landlords can deduct repairs beyond normal wear and tear, unpaid rent and utilities and fees for early termination or cleaning.
  • Landlords cannot commingle funds and must store the deposit in an interest bearing account.


  • There is no rent control in North Dakota.
  • Landlords must provide at least 30 days’ written notice before raising the rent.


  • Landlords must give notice in writing before entering the property.
  • There is no defined notice period in the statute, but it should be 'reasonable'.
  • Notice requirements are waived in the case of emergencies.


  • No statute.


  • Oral lease agreements are allowed for leases of less than a year. Longer leases must be in writing.
  • It is always advisable to have a written lease, even for shorter term leases.


  • Late fees are allowed in North Dakota - there is no limit but they should be 'reasonable' and must be written into the lease.
  • There is no mandatory grace period for late rent in North Dakota.


  • It is legal for owners and managers to ban smoking on and in their properties.


  • Separate pet deposits in addition to a security deposit are allowed in North Dakota.


1. North Dakota Landlord-Tenant Rights and Responsibilities 

North Dakota’s landlord-tenant laws, found in the North Dakota Century Code (NDCC), lay out the basic rules for both landlords and tenants. These laws were enacted to ensure a fair and respectful rental experience.

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities in North Dakota

Tenant Rights

Tenants in North Dakota are entitled to several key rights, such as:

  • Right to Form or Join a Tenants' Union: Tenants can band together to advocate for their rights without worrying about retaliation from landlords.
  • Right to Peace and Quiet: Tenants have the right to enjoy their rental space without unnecessary disturbances.
  • Right to a Safe and Livable Home: Landlords must make sure their properties meet health and safety standards at every level (NDCC § 47-16-13).
  • Repair and Deduct: If a landlord doesn’t handle essential repairs after being notified, tenants can make the repairs themselves and deduct the cost from rent, as long as they give the landlord written notice (NDCC § 47-16-13.1).

Tenant Responsibilities

Tenants also have obligations, including:

  • Notice to Leave: If a tenant plans to move out, they must give their landlord proper notice.
  • Reporting Maintenance Issues: Tenants should inform the landlord about any problems that need fixing.
  • Follow Lease Terms: This includes paying rent on time and sticking to the conditions outlined in the lease.
  • Keep it Clean: Tenants must maintain cleanliness and take care of their rental unit.
  • Notify of Extended Absences: If a tenant will be away for a long period, they should inform the landlord.

Landlord Rights and Responsibilities in North Dakota

Landlord Rights

Landlords in North Dakota also have certain rights, including:

  • Inspections: Landlords are allowed to inspect the property, as per the lease or applicable law.
  • Entry for Repairs: They can enter the rental unit to make necessary repairs, but they usually need to give 24 hours' notice.
  • Changing Lease Terms: Landlords can propose changes to the lease, like rent increases, with proper notice (NDCC § 47-16-07).
  • Security Deposits: They can deduct from the security deposit for damages that go beyond normal wear and tear (NDCC § 47-16-38).

Landlord Responsibilities

Landlords also have several key duties:

  • Provide Habitable Housing: Rental units must meet all health and safety codes (NDCC § 47-16-13).
  • Make Timely Repairs: Landlords need to address repair requests within a reasonable time after being notified.
  • Follow Eviction Laws: If an eviction is necessary, landlords must follow the legal procedures, including giving proper notice (NDCC § 47-32).
  • Written Notice for Lease Changes: Any modifications to the lease must be communicated in writing.

Source: Tenant Rights | North Dakota Attorney General (.gov)

Require Notice Before Entry Rule In North Dakota

No specific notice requirement is given in North Dakota statute. However, landlords are required to give advance notice of their intent to enter an occupied property. This notice period must be reasonable and the notice must put into writing detailing their intent to enter at a specified time. The tenant can’t unreasonably withhold consent, and the tenant’s failure to object to the notice would constitute presumed consent. 

Generally at least 24 hours’ notice before entering the rental unit. This ensures tenant privacy while allowing landlords to take care of the property. 

Notice of entry requirements are waived in the case of an emergency.

(N.D. Cent. Code § 47-16-07.3)

Late Fees for Rent and Grace Periods in North Dakota

Late fees are allowed in North Dakota and the law doesn’t set a cap on late fees. However, any late fees the landlord wishes to charge must be written into the lease. 

Additionally, while there is no mandatory grace period in North Dakota it is common practice for landlords to give tenants a grace period before charging late fees. (Attorney General’s Guide to Tenant Rights & Responsibilities).


2. North Dakota Rent Increase Laws

Does North Dakota Have Rent Control Laws?

North Dakota doesn’t have statewide rent control laws, which gives landlords the flexibility to set and adjust rental prices without specific limits. 

Because there are no rent caps, landlords can increase rent at the end of a lease, but they must follow certain rules when notifying tenants about these changes.

Notice Requirements for Rent Increases in North Dakota

  • Fixed-Term Leases: If you’re on a fixed-term lease (like a one-year lease), the rent can’t be raised until the lease is over. Any changes to the rent will have to be part of the new lease or if the agreement shifts to a month-to-month arrangement.
  • Month-to-Month Tenancies: For month-to-month leases, landlords must give at least 30 days’ written notice before raising the rent. This gives tenants time to adjust to any financial impact. (N.D. Cent. Code § 47-16-07)
  • Mobile Home Tenancies: If you rent a mobile home on a month-to-month basis, landlords must give you 90 days' notice for any rent increase.

Limitations on Rent Increases

While landlords have flexibility, there are important protections for tenants:

  • No Discrimination: Rent increases cannot be based on discrimination against protected classes, as covered by federal and state fair housing laws. This means landlords cannot raise rent due to a tenant’s race, nationality, religion, sex, family status, or disability.
  • No Retaliation: Landlords aren’t allowed to raise rent as a way to retaliate against tenants who have exercised their legal rights, like reporting unsafe conditions. If a tenant believes a rent increase is retaliatory, they have the right to challenge it.
  • Reasonable Increases: Although there’s no set limit on how much rent can be raised, landlords should ensure that any increase is reasonable, reflecting market conditions or operating costs. For manufactured homes, any increase that goes beyond the average inflation rate must be justified under North Dakota's Rent Justification process.

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3. North Dakota Rental Application Laws

North Dakota's rental application laws aim to ensure a fair and straightforward process for both landlords and tenants. 

Here’s a breakdown of the key things you need to know to help both parties understand their rights and responsibilities.

North Dakota Tenant Screening Laws: Overview

Tenant screening regulations in North Dakota differ slightly from those in other states. Here are some key points landlords must adhere to:

  • No cap on application fees: North Dakota law does not limit the amount landlords can charge for application fees.
  • Security deposit limit: Landlords can charge up to one month’s rent for a security deposit.
  • Separate transactions: Application fees and security deposits are treated as distinct payments.
  • Refundability: Application fees are non-refundable, while security deposits are refundable, depending on the tenant’s behavior during the lease.

Maximum Rental Application Fees In North Dakota

In North Dakota, landlords can set their own rental application fees since there’s no legal limit. While they can technically charge any amount, it’s recommended that fees stay reasonable, ideally just covering the cost of background checks. 

One important thing to note: once a fee is paid, it’s non-refundable, no matter if the application is approved or denied.

Fair Housing Laws In North Dakota

North Dakota follows the federal Fair Housing Act (FHA), which protects applicants from discrimination based on factors like race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. 

On top of that, North Dakota law also protects people based on their marital status and whether they receive public assistance. Landlords can’t ask about any of these protected traits during the application process. However, there are a few exceptions:

  • Single-family homes: If the owner lives in one unit and shares common areas, discrimination laws don’t apply.
  • Age-restricted housing: For senior housing, landlords are allowed to ask about an applicant’s age.
  • Familial status: In owner-occupied duplexes, landlords can ask if children will be living there.
  • Private clubs and religious organizations: If they’re not renting for commercial purposes, they can give priority to certain applicants.

Screening Criteria Disclosure

Landlords must clearly explain what screening criteria they’ll use before processing an application. This includes any factors that could lead to an application being denied. Tenants are required to sign the application, acknowledging they’ve been informed of these criteria.

Consent for Credit Checks

According to the Federal Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), landlords have to get written permission from potential tenants before running a credit check. This ensures that tenants know how their credit information will be used in the application process.

What’s Included in a Rental Application

A well-rounded rental application will usually ask for:

  • Personal identification (like your name and contact info)
  • Rental history
  • Employment details
  • Proof of income
  • Credit history
  • Personal references
  • Consent for background checks

This information helps landlords evaluate applicants while staying in line with the law.

Important Disclosures from Landlords

Landlords also have to make some key disclosures to prospective tenants, including:

  • The property’s condition at move-in
  • Any known hazards or risks associated with the property
  • How utilities are shared and who’s responsible for them
  • Policies on smoking
  • Details on security deposits and any related fees
  • These disclosures are essential for keeping things transparent and protecting the tenant’s rights.

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4. North Dakota Security Deposit Laws

In North Dakota, security deposit laws are designed to protect both tenants and landlords by ensuring transparency and fairness in how deposits are handled. Here's a breakdown of the key details. 

What Is The Maximum Allowable Security Deposit in North Dakota?

Typically, in North Dakota landlords can charge a security deposit equal to one month's rent. However, there are a couple of exceptions:

  • Felony Convictions: If a tenant has a felony conviction related to a security deposit, the landlord can charge up to two months' rent.
  • Lease Violations: Tenants with a history of lease violations may also be required to pay a higher deposit of up to two months' rent (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-07.1(1)(a)(b)).

Are Pet Fees and Pet Deposits Allowed in North Dakota?

If a tenant has pets, landlords can require a pet deposit. This deposit can't be more than $2,500 or two months' rent, whichever is greater (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-07.1(1)).

What Are Landlords Allowed To Deduct From The Deposit in North Dakota?

Landlords are allowed to keep part of your deposit under specific circumstances, such as:

  • Unpaid Utility Bills: If a tenant leaves any unpaid utility bills, the landlord can deduct the amount from your deposit.
  • Excessive Cleaning: A renter is expected to return the rental property in a reasonably clean condition. If it needs more cleaning than usual, the landlord can charge the tenant for it.
  • Lost Rental Income: If a renter abandons the property, landlords can recover any rental income they lost because of the abandonment.
  • Damages Beyond Normal Wear and Tear: The landlord can deduct repair costs for damages that go beyond normal use (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-07.1).

Do Landlords Need To Provide an Itemized Receipt of Deductions in North Dakota?

Landlords must give tenants an itemized list of any deductions within 30 days of move-out. If they fail to do so, they may lose the right to keep any of the deposit (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-07.1(3)(c)).

How Must Landlords Hold Deposits in North Dakota?

When a landlord collects a security deposit, they must put it in a federally insured, interest-bearing account that’s separate from their personal funds (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-07.1).

How Long Do Landlords Have To Return Deposits in North Dakota?

When returning a tenant’s deposit, landlords must:

  • Provide an itemized list of deductions, if applicable.
  • Return the remaining security deposit amount within 30 days after the tenant moves out (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-07.1(3)(c)).
  • If the deposit goes unclaimed for over a year, it’s considered abandoned.

If a landlord withholds your deposit without a valid reason, they could be liable for up to three times the amount wrongfully withheld (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-07.1(4)).

Do Landlords Need To Pay Interest on Security Deposits in North Dakota?

If you’ve lived in your rental for more than nine months, you’re entitled to any interest earned on your deposit when it’s returned. 

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5. North Dakota Leasing Agreements

In North Dakota, a rental agreement, often referred to as a lease, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between landlords and tenants when renting property. 

Are Oral Lease Agreements Allowed In North Dakota?

Oral lease agreements are allowed in North Dakota, but only for rental periods of less than one year. If the lease is for a year or more, North Dakota law requires the lease to be in writing to be enforceable. This is governed by the North Dakota Statute of Frauds, which requires certain types of agreements, including long-term leases, to be in writing.

Key Parts of a North Dakota Lease Agreement

Identifying the Parties

A lease needs to include the full names and contact details of everyone involved. This ensures accountability and helps avoid disputes over who is responsible for what. According to North Dakota Century Code § 47-16-01, having clarity on this is important for enforcing the lease.

Describing the Property

The lease should give a detailed description of the rental property, including its address. For properties built before 1978, federal law (42 U.S.C. § 4852d) requires a warning about the potential for lead-based paint. This keeps tenants informed about safety risks and ensures compliance with regulations.

Lease Length

Leases in North Dakota can either be for a fixed term, usually one year, or month-to-month. The lease should clearly state how long it lasts and any options for renewing. If no term is mentioned, North Dakota law assumes it's month-to-month (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-15), offering flexibility for both landlords and tenants.

Rent and Security Deposit

The lease must clearly state the rent amount, when it's due, and how it should be paid. In North Dakota, the security deposit for a yearly lease is limited to one month's rent, while for month-to-month agreements, there’s no cap until the tenancy hits one year. Security deposits must be returned within 30 days after the lease ends unless deductions are made, in which case an itemized list must be provided.

Maintenance Duties

The lease should spell out who is responsible for maintaining the property. Landlords are required by law to keep the place habitable, while tenants must keep the space clean and notify the landlord if repairs are needed. Being clear about these duties helps prevent disputes during the tenancy.

Utilities and Services

It’s important to clarify in the lease which utilities are included in the rent and which ones the tenant will be responsible for. This transparency helps avoid misunderstandings about who should be paying for what.

Termination and Renewal Terms

The lease should include details about how it can be terminated, including how much notice is required (landlords must give at least 60 days' notice) and any renewal options. Tenants should be made aware of their rights when it comes to ending the lease early to avoid potential legal issues.

Additional Clauses

The lease can include extra clauses to cover things like rent increases or subletting policies. Landlords may want to consult a lawyer when drafting these clauses to ensure they comply with North Dakota law.

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6. North Dakota Laws Around Breaking a Lease

Understanding North Dakota’s laws on lease termination is important for both landlords and tenants, as they detail the rights and responsibilities when ending a lease early. 

Here’s a clear breakdown of the key points for breaking a lease in North Dakota.

Notice Requirements to End a Lease In North Dakota

The type of rental agreement you have determines how much notice you need to give:

  • Notice Require to Terminate Tenancy With a Fixed End Date: Notice is not required, as the lease ends on the date agreed to in the lease. In some cases, the lease might automatically renew if you don’t terminate it properly. (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-14).
  • Notice Required to Terminate an Annual Lease with No End Date: One month written notice (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-15(1)).
  • Notice Required to Terminate Month-to-Month Lease: One month written notice, unless the parties agree in writing to a longer notice period (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-15(2)).
  • Notice Required to Terminate Week-to-Week Lease: One week written notice (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-15(1)).

Legal Reasons for Breaking a Lease

There are some situations where tenants can legally break their lease without facing penalties:

  • Early Termination Clause: Some leases include a clause allowing tenants to end their lease early. This often comes with a fee (usually two months' rent) and requires 30 days' notice.
  • Uninhabitable Living Conditions: If the rental unit isn’t safe or livable—for example, if there are no working locks, inadequate heating, or faulty plumbing—you may be able to leave without penalty by claiming constructive eviction.
  • Privacy Violations: Landlords are required to give reasonable notice before entering your home for things like repairs or inspections. If they don’t, you may have grounds to break the lease.
  • Landlord Harassment: If a landlord harasses you by refusing to accept rent, making unnecessary inspections, or trying to intimidate you into leaving, you can legally terminate the lease.
  • Domestic Violence Victims: If you’re a victim of domestic violence, you have the right to break your lease without penalty. You just need to provide written notice and proof, like a restraining order.


7. North Dakota Eviction Process and Law

In North Dakota, landlords are required to follow a legal process to evict tenants, which includes obtaining a court order based on valid reasons. This process typically takes about two to four weeks, depending on the circumstances and court availability (NDC § 47-32-01 to 47-32-04).

Reasons for Eviction in North Dakota

It’s important for both landlords and tenants to understand the grounds for eviction. Here are the main reasons a landlord might start eviction proceedings:

Nonpayment of Rent

If rent isn’t paid within three days of the due date, it’s considered late. The landlord can then issue a 3-Day Notice to Pay or Quit, giving the tenant three days to pay the overdue rent or face eviction. If the tenant doesn’t pay within that time, the landlord can proceed with filing for eviction. (N.D. Cent. Code § 47-32-01)

Violation of Lease Terms

Tenants can also be evicted for breaking the lease, such as causing property damage or violating occupancy limits. In these cases, the landlord must provide a 3-Day Notice to Quit, which means the tenant has three days to leave the property without a chance to fix the violation.  (N.D. Cent. Code § 47-32-01, § 47-32-02 and § 47-16-16)

End of Lease Term

If a tenant stays in the rental unit after their lease expires, the landlord must give notice before starting the eviction process. For month-to-month leases, the tenant must receive a 30-Day Notice to Quit. For other types of leases, the notice must match the rental payment period or be at least 30 days. (N.D.C.C. § 47-16-15).

Sale of Rental Property

When a rental property is sold and the new owner doesn’t want to continue renting it, the landlord must issue a 3-Day Notice before starting the eviction process. Although it’s a good idea to notify the tenant about the sale, the tenant doesn’t have the right to fix any issues in this case. 

Eviction Notices & Requirements in North Dakota: Overview

The eviction process starts with the landlord serving the appropriate notice based on the reason for eviction:

  • Nonpayment of Rent: A 3-Day Notice to Pay or Quit is required.
  • Lease Violations: The landlord must serve a 3-Day Notice to Quit.
  • End of Lease Term: A 30-Day Notice (or equivalent notice period as per the lease terms) is needed.
  • Sale of Property: A 3-Day Notice is required before the landlord can move forward with eviction.

Landlords should keep copies of all notices, as they may be required in court.

Steps in the North Dakota Eviction Process

If the tenant doesn’t comply with the notice within the required time frame, the landlord must follow these steps:

  • Filing an Eviction Lawsuit: The landlord files a complaint in the district court (Justice of the Peace Court), which starts a legal process called a Summary Possession Action.
  • Serving Legal Documents: Once the lawsuit is filed, the landlord must serve the tenant with a summons and complaint, making sure the tenant knows about the lawsuit and has a chance to respond.
  • Court Hearing: Both the landlord and tenant will present their case at a hearing, and the judge will make a decision based on the evidence.
  • Writ of Possession: If the court rules in favor of the landlord, they’ll receive a Writ of Possession, which allows law enforcement to remove the tenant if necessary.
  • Eviction Execution: Law enforcement will post a notice giving the tenant about 24 hours to leave the property before enforcing the eviction.

This process ensures that both parties have the opportunity to present their case fairly in court before any eviction is finalized.


8. North Dakota HOA Laws

Homeowners associations (HOAs) in North Dakota are guided by various laws that oversee their formation, operation, and governance. 

While there isn't one specific law dedicated solely to HOAs, several key regulations shape how they function, especially when they’re set up as nonprofit corporations or operate within condominiums. 

Here's an easy-to-understand breakdown of the main laws and regulations affecting HOAs in North Dakota:

North Dakota Condominium Ownership of Real Property

This law governs how condominium associations are formed and run. To establish a condominium, a formal declaration must be filed with the county recorder where the property is located. This ensures that condominium communities follow a structured system of governance, with clear guidelines for managing and maintaining shared responsibilities among owners. (North Dakota Condominium Ownership of Real Property)

North Dakota Nonprofit Corporations Act 

When an HOA or condominium association is set up as a nonprofit, it falls under this law. It covers the corporate structure and operational procedures of nonprofit organizations in the state. This includes keeping proper records, holding meetings, and ensuring transparency with members. (North Dakota Nonprofit Corporations Act)

North Dakota Housing Discrimination Act 

This law makes it illegal to discriminate in housing based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, national origin, or marital status. It works alongside federal laws like the Fair Housing Act, ensuring that residents are protected from unfair treatment in housing transactions or community governance. (North Dakota Housing Discrimination Act


9. North Dakota Squatters Rights Laws

In North Dakota, adverse possession laws outline how someone—often called a squatter—might be able to claim ownership of property if certain conditions are met. These laws are important for both property owners and renters to understand to protect their rights.

Key Requirements for Adverse Possession in North Dakota

To make a valid claim for adverse possession in North Dakota, a squatter must meet several conditions:

Continuous Occupation

The squatter has to live on the property continuously for at least 20 years. However, this time frame can be reduced to 10 years if they’ve been paying property taxes or have a legal document (often called "color of title") that gives the impression of ownership. The key is that the occupation must be ongoing—irregular or temporary stays won’t qualify.

Exclusive Possession

The squatter must have sole control over the property, meaning they can’t share it with anyone, including the rightful owner. This exclusivity helps establish a stronger claim of ownership.

Open and Obvious Possession

The occupation must be visible and apparent to anyone, including the actual owner. Squatters can’t sneak around; their presence on the property needs to be out in the open, making it clear to everyone that they’re living there.

Actual Possession

The squatter must treat the property as if they are the rightful owner, such as making improvements, maintaining the land, or taking care of it. Keeping records of these efforts can help build a case for ownership.

Hostile Claim

In legal terms, "hostile" doesn’t mean aggressive; it simply means the squatter is living on the land without the owner's permission. There are different ways this can happen:

  • Simple Occupation: The squatter lives on the land without realizing who the real owner is.
  • Knowing Trespass: The squatter is fully aware they are trespassing.
  • Good Faith Mistake: The squatter mistakenly believes they have a right to be there due to an invalid or incorrect deed.


10. North Dakota Landlord Tenant Legal Resources

Below, you’ll find some helpful North Dakota landlord–tenant law resources:

Documents and Forms

Legal Resources

North Dakota State Agencies & Regulatory Bodies

North Dakota REALTORS® Associations

North Dakota Landlord Associations