Alaska Landlord Tenant Laws



This article provides general information and is not legal advice. For accuracy and specific guidance on landlord-tenant laws, consult an attorney before making any decisions or taking action.



  • The maximum allowable deposit in Alaska is up to 2x the monthly rent.
  • For rental units where the monthly rent exceeds $2,000, this limit does not apply
  • Landlords have 14 days to return the deposit after move out if no deductions are made and 30 days if deductions are made.


  • There are no rent control laws in Alaska.
  • Landlords must give at least 30 days notice before increasing rent.


  • Landlords must give at least 24 hours notice before entering an occupied property.
  • Notice requirements are waived in the case of an emergency.


  • No statute.


  • Oral lease agreements are allowed in Alaska.
  • It is always advisable to have a written lease, even for shorter term leases.


  • Landlords are allowed to charge late fees but the must be reasonable and stipulated in the lease.
  • There is no mandatory grace period.


  • No statute.


  • Pet deposits an fees are allowed.
  • May not exceed the periodic rent for one month.
  • Must be accounted for separately from the regular prepaid rent or security deposit.


1. Alaska Landlord-Tenant Rights and Responsibilities 

Alaska's landlord-tenant laws, as outlined in the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, set out the fundamental rights and obligations for both landlords and tenants in rental agreements.

Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

Tenant Rights

  • Right to a Safe and Habitable Home: Tenants have the right to live in a property that meets health and safety standards. The landlord must maintain the property so it is free from hazards, ensuring it is livable at all times (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.120).
  • Right to Privacy: Landlords must provide at least 24 hours' notice before entering the property, respecting the tenant’s right to privacy unless in cases of emergency (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.140).
  • Protection from Retaliation: Tenants are protected from retaliation by the landlord for asserting their rights, such as making complaints about the property or reporting unsafe conditions. Evictions or changes in lease terms cannot be used as forms of retaliation (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.220).

Tenant Responsibilities

  • Providing Notice for Lease Termination: Tenants are required to give the landlord a minimum of 30 days' notice if they wish to end the lease agreement.
  • Timely Rent Payment: Rent payments should be made on time. If rent is late, tenants generally have seven days to pay after receiving a written late notice.
  • Respect for Neighbors: Tenants are expected to enjoy the property in a manner that does not disturb others, ensuring peace and quiet for neighbors.

Landlord Rights and Responsibilities

Landlord Rights

  • Right to Property Inspection: With reasonable notice, typically 24 hours, landlords are entitled to inspect the rental property to ensure it is being properly maintained.
  • Rent Adjustments: Landlords have the right to raise rent, but they must give tenants at least 30 days' notice before implementing any increase (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.180).
  • Handling Security Deposits: Landlords can use the security deposit to cover damages beyond normal wear and tear. However, they must follow strict rules regarding the return of the deposit.

Landlord Responsibilities

  • Timely Repairs: Once notified, landlords are obligated to make necessary repairs within 10 days to ensure the rental unit remains habitable.
  • Returning Security Deposits: After the tenant moves out, landlords must return the security deposit within 14 days if no deductions are made, or within 30 days if deductions for damages are itemized (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070).
  • Providing Notice Before Entry: Landlords must notify tenants at least 24 hours before entering the property unless there is an emergency situation.

Required Notices Before Entry

Alaska law requires landlords to provide at least 24 hours’ notice before entering a rental property, and the entry must occur at reasonable times and with the tenant's consent. This notice period is waived in the case of an emergency.

(Alaska Stat. § 34.03.140).

Late Fee for Rent in Alaska

In Alaska, landlords can charge late fees for overdue rent, but these fees must be reasonable and clearly outlined in the rental agreement. (The Alaska Landlord & Tenant Act: What It Means to You (Page 3))


2. Alaska Rent Increase Laws

In Alaska, landlords have considerable freedom when it comes to rent increases.

Does Alaska have rent control Laws?

No, the state of Alaska does not impose any rent control measures at the statewide level. While local municipalities are allowed to create their own rules, no areas in Alaska currently have rent control regulations in place.

Notice Required to Raise Rent in Alaska

Under Alaska law, landlords are required to provide tenants with at least 30 days' written notice before increasing rent. This notice period gives tenants time to prepare for the change before their next rent payment is due. 

Tenants have two options in response to a rent increase:

  • They can choose to pay the new rent amount, or
  • They can decide to move out.

Legally, a notice of rent increase is considered a termination of the rental agreement at the previous rate, along with an offer to lease the same unit at a higher rate.

If tenants prefer to vacate rather than accept the increase, they should provide the landlord with a written 30-day notice of their intent to terminate the tenancy.

Additionally, tenants receiving housing subsidies or residing in federally or state-funded housing may have extra rights beyond those outlined in state law. For instance, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) or the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) may regulate rent increases for properties where HUD has issued loans or rent guarantees to the owner.

(The Alaska Landlord & Tenant Act: What It Means to You (Page 14))

Limitations to Alaska Rent Increase Laws

Although landlords can raise rent as they see fit, there are important restrictions in place. Rent hikes cannot be used as retaliation against tenants for exercising their legal rights or reporting issues, nor can they be discriminatory. 

Furthermore, rent increases are generally not allowed during the term of a fixed-term lease unless the lease specifically allows for such adjustments.

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3. Alaska Rental Application Laws

Alaska's rental application laws aim to create a fair and transparent housing process for both landlords and tenants. 

Alaska Tenant Screening Laws: Overview

Many landlords may not be fully aware of Alaska's tenant screening laws, but it's essential for running a successful real estate investment business to understand these regulations.

Here are a few key points regarding tenant screening laws in Alaska:

  • There is no limit on the amount landlords can charge for application fees.
  • Landlords cannot require a security deposit greater than two months' rent.
  • Application fees are considered separate from security deposits.
  • Application fees in Alaska are non-refundable.

Landlords who overlook or delay familiarizing themselves with tenant screening regulations may face significant consequences. Ignorance can lead to lost income and increased stress. Being well-informed about Alaska's tenant screening laws is crucial for effective property management.

Maximum Rental Application Fee Limits In Alaska

In Alaska, landlords are allowed to set their own application fees, with no legal cap. However, these fees cannot be applied toward the tenant’s security deposit. It is recommended that landlords charge only enough to cover the actual costs of processing the application, such as background checks. 

Keep in mind that application fees are generally non-refundable, regardless of whether the tenant is approved or denied.

(The Alaska Landlord & Tenant Act: What It Means to You (Page 5))

Fair Housing Laws in Alaska

While Alaska does not have specific state-level housing discrimination laws, landlords must comply with federal protections outlined in the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The FHA prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability, and criminal history. 

Landlords are not allowed to ask about these characteristics during the application process.

Notice of Screening Criteria in Alaska

Landlords are required to be upfront about the criteria they will use to evaluate rental applications. This includes providing tenants with written notice of the factors used for approval or denial. Tenants should sign a document acknowledging they have been informed of these screening requirements.

Consent for Credit Checks in Alaska

Under the Federal Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), landlords must obtain written consent from applicants before running credit checks. This ensures transparency and gives tenants the opportunity to understand how their credit information will be used.

Additional Considerations: Rental Application Laws

Landlords should also disclose other important details during the application process to maintain transparency. These include information about property conditions, known hazards, responsibility for utilities, and smoking policies.

Essential Components of a Rental Application in Alaska

A well-rounded rental application in Alaska should cover the following aspects:

  • Personal Information: The applicant's full name, contact details, and identification information.
  • Rental History: A list of previous addresses along with references from past landlords.
  • Employment and Income: Details about current employment and income verification to demonstrate financial stability.
  • Credit Check Consent: Written permission from the applicant allowing the landlord to run a credit check.
  • Personal References: Names and contact information for individuals who can speak to the applicant’s character.
  • Background Check Consent: Acknowledgment from the tenant granting permission for a background check.

Important Disclosures

Before signing a lease, landlords must provide tenants with specific disclosures, which include:

  • The condition of the property and any known hazards.
  • Information on utility responsibilities and security deposit terms.
  • Smoking policies for the property.
  • Rent control rules, if applicable (though rent control is not currently in effect in Alaska).

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4. Alaska Tenant Deposit Laws

Alaska's security deposit laws are designed to protect both tenants and landlords, providing guidelines on how deposits should be managed and returned.

What Is The Maximum Allowable Security Deposit In Alaska?

Landlords in Alaska are generally allowed to charge a security deposit of up to two months' rent. However, for rental units where the monthly rent exceeds $2,000, this limit does not apply (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070(a)).

Are Pet Fees and Pet Deposits Allowed In Alaska?

Yes, pet fees and pet deposits are allowed in Alaska. Landlords can demand or receive an additional security deposit from a tenant who has a pet on the premises that is not a service animal. This additional deposit:

  • May not exceed the periodic rent for one month.
  • Must be accounted for separately from the regular prepaid rent or security deposit.

(Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070(h))

What Are Landlords Allowed To Deduct From The Deposit In Alaska?

Landlords are permitted to deduct from the security deposit for specific reasons, such as unpaid rent or damages that go beyond normal wear and tear. 

Deductions must follow the regulations outlined in Alaska law (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070(b)).

Do Landlords Need To Provide an Itemized Receipt of Deductions In Alaska?

Yes, landlords must provide an itemized notice of the accrued rent and damages deducted from the security deposit. This notice must be mailed to the tenant's last known address with the returned with the refunded deposit within 30 days.  (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070(b)(g)).

How Must Landlords Hold Deposits In Alaska?

Landlords must promptly deposit all money received as prepaid rent or a security deposit into a trust account in a bank, savings and loan association, or licensed escrow agent. They must also provide tenants with the terms and conditions under which the deposit may be withheld. Landlords cannot commingle these funds with other funds and must separately account for each tenant's deposits.  (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070(c))

How Long Do Landlords Have To Return Deposits In Alaska?

When the lease ends, landlords are required to return the security deposit within 14 days, provided the tenant gave proper notice before moving out. If notice was not given, other issues arose, or the landlord made deductions from the deposit then the landlord had 30 days to return the deposit. Any deductions must be itemized and explained to the tenant in writing. (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070(g))

Do Landlords Need To Pay Interest on Security Deposits in Alaska?

While Alaska law does not require landlords to pay interest on security deposits, if the deposit earns interest while held, the tenant is generally entitled to receive it unless a different agreement has been made (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.070(c)). 

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5. Alaska Leasing Agreements

A rental agreement, or lease, is a legally binding document in Alaska that sets out the terms and conditions between a landlord and tenant for renting a property. Understanding the key components of a lease can help both parties avoid potential conflicts and ensure a smooth rental process.

Alaska lease agreement laws are outlined in Alaska Stat. § 34.03.020

Are Oral Lease Agreements Allowed In Alaska?

Yes, oral lease agreements are allowed in Alaska. However, it’s important to note that while oral agreements can be legally binding, they may be difficult to enforce due to the lack of written documentation. For clarity and to protect both parties, it’s generally advisable to have a written lease agreement.

Key Components of an Alaska Lease Agreement

  • Identification of Parties: The lease must clearly list the full names and contact information of both the landlord and tenant. This ensures accountability and helps prevent disputes by clearly identifying who is responsible for adhering to the lease terms.
  • Property Description: A detailed description of the rental property, including its address, must be included in the lease. For properties built before 1978, landlords are required to include warnings about lead-based paint, as mandated by federal law. Such disclosures ensure transparency and help tenants understand any risks associated with the property.
  • Lease Duration: Alaska law allows for both fixed-term leases, typically lasting one year, and month-to-month agreements. The lease must specify the duration and any renewal options. If no specific term is mentioned, the agreement defaults to a month-to-month lease, offering flexibility for both parties.
  • Rent and Security Deposit: The lease should clearly state the rent amount, payment due dates, and accepted payment methods. For fixed-term leases, security deposits are typically capped at two months' rent, while month-to-month tenancies have no set limit until they reach one year in duration. After the lease ends, landlords have 14 days to return the deposit or up to 30 days if deductions are made. Deductions must be itemized and explained to the tenant.
  • Maintenance Responsibilities: The lease must outline who is responsible for property maintenance. Landlords are obligated to ensure the property is safe and habitable, while tenants are expected to keep the unit clean and notify the landlord of any repair needs. Clear guidelines help prevent disputes over who is responsible for maintenance.
  • Utilities and Services: The lease should specify which utilities (such as water, electricity, or trash services) are included in the rent and which are the tenant’s responsibility. Clearly outlining these obligations helps avoid confusion and potential conflicts over utility payments.
  • Termination and Renewal Conditions: The lease must detail the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated, including how much notice is required (usually 60 days for landlords). It should also address renewal options and the tenant’s rights concerning early termination, helping both parties understand their obligations.
  • Additional Clauses: Landlords may choose to include specific provisions in the lease, such as rent increase policies or subletting rules. Consulting legal counsel to ensure these clauses comply with Alaska law is recommended, especially for more complex agreements.

Legal Considerations

For leases lasting more than one year, Alaska law requires the agreement to be in writing to be enforceable. Additionally, landlords must comply with federal and local housing discrimination laws, which protect tenants from unfair treatment based on race, gender, disability, or other protected characteristics. 

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6. Alaska Laws Around Breaking a Lease

In Alaska, both landlords and tenants need to be aware of the laws governing lease termination. Understanding these regulations ensures both parties handle early lease termination fairly and in accordance with state law.

Liabilities for Breaking a Lease

When a tenant breaks their lease before its end date, they may still be responsible for paying unpaid rent and covering any damages to the property. However, Alaska law requires landlords to make a reasonable effort to re-rent the property as soon as possible.

Once a new tenant is secured, the original tenant’s rent obligations end. This ensures that tenants aren’t unfairly charged for the full lease term if the unit is quickly re-leased.

Notice Requirements to End a Lease In Alaska

Notice to Terminate Tenancy Lease With A Fixed End Date: No notice is required as the lease simply expires.

Notice Required To terminate a Week-to-Week Tenancy: The landlord or the tenant may terminate a week-to-week tenancy by a written notice given to the other at least 14 days before the termination date specified in the notice. (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.290(a))

Notice Required To terminate A Month-to-Month Tenancy: The landlord or the tenant may terminate a month-to-month tenancy by a written notice given to the other at least 30 days before the rental due date specified in the notice. (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.290(b))

If the tenant remains in possession without the landlord's consent after expiration of the term of the rental agreement or after its termination the landlord may, after serving a notice to quit to the tenant, begin legal proceedings to regain possession. (Alaska Stat. § 34.03.290(c))

Serving adequate notice allows the other party time to prepare for re-renting the property or finding a new home.

Legal Grounds for Early Termination

There are several scenarios where tenants can legally break a lease without penalty:

  • Death of the Sole Tenant: If the sole occupant of the rental unit passes away, the lease can be terminated without penalties.
  • Retaliation: Tenants cannot be penalized for requesting necessary repairs or reporting the landlord for failing to meet legal obligations. If a tenant faces retaliation, they may terminate the lease early.
  • Domestic Violence: Tenants who are victims of domestic or sexual violence have the right to terminate their lease without facing penalties.
  • Disability Accommodations: If a landlord fails to provide reasonable accommodations for tenants with physical or mental disabilities, the tenant may be entitled to break the lease.
  • Early Termination Clause: Some lease agreements contain clauses that allow tenants to break the lease early, typically with the payment of a specified fee. Tenants should check their lease for such a provision.
  • Unenforceable Lease Terms: If any part of the lease contains illegal or void terms, the tenant may terminate the lease without penalty.
  • Implied Warranty of Habitability Violations: If a rental property fails to meet basic health and safety standards, tenants can claim constructive eviction, which may allow them to leave without further obligations.
  • Military Relocation: Service members who experience a permanent change of station or are deployed for more than 90 days have the right to terminate their lease under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act without facing penalties.
  • Harassment or Privacy Violations: Landlord harassment or repeated violations of a tenant’s privacy can justify early termination of the lease.


7. Alaska Eviction Process and Law

In Alaska, the eviction process follows specific legal steps that aim to protect both landlords and tenants. Understanding these procedures is key to handling potential disputes fairly and lawfully.

Grounds for Eviction in Alaska

Landlords in Alaska can begin eviction proceedings for several valid reasons, including:

  • Non-Payment of Rent: If a tenant fails to pay rent on time, the landlord can issue a 7-Day Notice to Pay. This notice gives the tenant seven days to pay the overdue rent or face eviction.
  • Lease Violations: Tenants are required to follow the terms of the lease. Common violations include having unauthorized pets or long-term guests. In these cases, landlords must provide a 10-Day Notice to Comply, giving tenants the opportunity to fix the issue before eviction proceedings begin.
  • Illegal Activities: Tenants who engage in illegal activities on the rental property can face immediate eviction without the chance to remedy the situation.
  • Health and Safety Violations: Tenants who cause significant damage to the property or create hazardous conditions can be evicted for violating health and safety codes.
  • Other Legal Grounds: Tenants may also face eviction for other reasons, such as staying in the rental unit after the lease has expired or failing to pay required utility bills. Each situation requires landlords to follow the proper notice requirements as outlined in Alaska law.

Alaska Eviction Notices

The eviction process in Alaska begins with the landlord serving the tenant a formal notice. Depending on the issue, different types of notices are used:

24-Hour to 5-Day Notice to Quit (for Substantial Damage or Illegal Activity)

The landlord can issue a written notice to quit if the tenant, or someone under their control, causes substantial damage to the premises (damage exceeding $400) or engages in illegal activity such as prostitution. The notice must specify the act or activity constituting the breach and state that the rental agreement will terminate between 24 hours and 5 days after the notice is served.

(Alaska Stat. § 34.03.220(a)(1))

10-Day Notice to Quit (for Material Noncompliance)

If the tenant materially breaches the rental agreement (e.g., failing to comply with health and safety requirements), the landlord must provide a written notice to quit, specifying the breach. The tenant has 10 days to remedy the breach (e.g., making repairs or paying damages). If remedied within this time, the lease will not terminate. If a similar breach recurs within 6 months, the landlord can issue a 5-day notice to terminate.

(Alaska Stat. § 34.03.220(a)(2))

7-Day Notice to Pay or Quit (for Nonpayment of Rent)

If rent is unpaid when due, the landlord must give a 7-day written notice to quit, demanding the full payment of rent. The notice should also state that the lease will terminate if the rent is not paid within the 7-day period. The landlord can accept partial rent payments, extending the eviction deadline accordingly.

(Alaska Stat. § 34.03.220(b))

5-Day Notice to Quit (for Utility Service Discontinuance Due to Nonpayment)

If a public utility discontinues service to the premises (electricity, gas, water) because of the tenant's failure to pay, the landlord may give a 5-day written notice to quit. The tenancy will terminate unless the tenant reinstates the service and repays the landlord within 3 days of the notice. If the same issue recurs within 6 months, the landlord can terminate the rental agreement with a 3-day written notice.

(Alaska Stat. § 34.03.220(e))

Immediate Termination (for Court Order of Abatement)

If a court issues an order of abatement (e.g., for criminal or nuisance activity), the rental agreement is terminated immediately. No notice is required beyond the court order.

(Alaska Stat. § 34.03.220(d))

Alaska Eviction Process

If the tenant does not address the issue within the required notice period, landlords must follow these steps:

  • Filing an Eviction Lawsuit: Landlords cannot forcibly remove a tenant. Instead, they must file a Summary Possession Action with the local District Court to begin the legal eviction process.
  • Serving Legal Documents: Once the lawsuit is filed, the tenant must be served with a summons and a copy of the complaint. This ensures the tenant is aware of the legal action and has the opportunity to respond.
  • Court Hearing: Both the landlord and tenant will present their cases in court. The judge will review the evidence and make a decision based on the facts.
  • Writ of Possession: If the court rules in favor of the landlord, a Writ of Possession will be issued. This document gives law enforcement the authority to carry out the eviction if the tenant does not leave voluntarily.
  • Eviction Execution: After receiving the Writ of Possession, law enforcement will post a notice, typically giving the tenant 24 hours to vacate the property before the eviction is enforced.

Sources: Start an eviction case | Alaska Court System (.gov), The Five Step Eviction Process |

Tenant Rights in Evictions

Tenants in Alaska are entitled to several protections during the eviction process:

  • Proper Notice: Tenants must receive adequate notice before any eviction proceedings can begin.
  • Right to Contest: Tenants have the right to challenge the eviction in court, allowing them to present their side of the case.
  • Protection Against Retaliation: Tenants cannot be evicted for retaliatory reasons, such as reporting unsafe or uninhabitable living conditions. 


8. Alaska HOA Laws

Homeowners associations (HOAs) in Alaska function under a set of legal frameworks that dictate their creation, management, and daily operations. Both landlords and tenants living in HOA-governed communities should understand these laws to ensure compliance and safeguard their rights. 

Below is an overview of the key laws and regulations applicable to HOAs in Alaska.

Alaska Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (AUCIOA)

The Alaska Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (AUCIOA) governs common interest communities, such as condominiums and planned developments. This act provides clear guidelines on how these communities are established, managed, and eventually terminated. Key provisions include:

  • Applicability: The AUCIOA outlines which types of communities fall under its jurisdiction, ensuring that the rules apply consistently across all eligible communities.
  • Management Guidelines: The act lays out comprehensive rules for managing common interest communities. This ensures that community management remains transparent, accountable, and fair to all members.
  • Purchaser Protections: The AUCIOA also includes protections for buyers, ensuring fair practices during property transactions and safeguarding their rights within the community.

(Alaska Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act)

Alaska Horizontal Property Regimes Act

This act specifically focuses on the legal framework for condominium developments. The Alaska Horizontal Property Regimes Act provides important guidelines for how condominiums are formed and operated. Notable aspects include:

  • Formation Procedures: This law outlines the necessary steps to legally create a condominium association, ensuring that the process follows a clear legal pathway.
  • Rights and Responsibilities: The act clarifies the rights and responsibilities of both the condominium association and its members. This helps ensure that all parties involved understand their obligations, reducing potential conflicts.

(Alaska Horizontal Property Regimes Act)

Alaska Nonprofit Corporation Act

Since many HOAs in Alaska are structured as nonprofit organizations, they are governed by the Alaska Nonprofit Corporation Act. This law provides essential rules to ensure the proper formation and governance of nonprofit HOAs. Key provisions include:

  • Incorporation Requirements: HOAs must legally establish themselves by filing Articles of Incorporation, which serve as the legal foundation for the organization.
  • Governance Standards: The act also outlines important rules for how HOAs must be run. This includes procedures for electing board members, conducting meetings, and managing the association in a democratic and transparent manner.

(Alaska Nonprofit Corporation Act


9. Alaska Squatters Rights Laws

In Alaska, adverse possession laws create a legal pathway for individuals, commonly referred to as squatters, to claim ownership of property under certain conditions. These laws aim to balance the rights of property owners with those of individuals who have occupied land for an extended period. 

Below is a closer look at the requirements and implications of adverse possession in Alaska, relevant to both property owners and potential claimants. 

Requirements to Make an Adverse Possession Claim

To successfully claim ownership of property through adverse possession in Alaska, squatters must meet a strict set of criteria:

  • Continuous Occupation: The individual must occupy the property continuously for at least 20 years. Any interruption, even brief, may disrupt the claim and reset the timeline, preventing successful adverse possession.
  • Use and Improvement of the Property: The squatter must treat the property as their own by making substantial improvements. This could include building structures, landscaping, or other significant alterations that show an investment in the land. Merely living on the property without making such improvements is not enough to establish a claim.
  • Payment of Property Taxes: A critical requirement is that the squatter must pay all applicable property taxes for the entire 20-year period. Missing even one payment could undermine their adverse possession claim.
  • Open and Notorious Possession: The occupation must be obvious to others, including the legal owner and surrounding neighbors. This means that the squatter’s presence on the property must be visible and not concealed.
  • Good Faith Belief: The squatter must genuinely believe they have a right to occupy the property. This means they should not be aware that their presence on the land is illegal when they first take possession. If the squatter knowingly occupies the land unlawfully, this criterion is not met.


10. Alaska Landlord Tenant Legal Resources

Below, you’ll find some helpful Alaska landlord–tenant law resources:

Documents and Forms

Legal Resources

Alaska Business Licenses

Alaska State Agencies & Regulatory Bodies

Alaska Housing Authorities

Alaska Realtor, Landlord, and Tenant Associations