Some Mighty Exciting New Features for Landlord Studio

We’ve cleaned it up and made it even easier to navigate! Plus, there’s a bunch of new features that will make your job as a landlord easier.

As we frequently release new updates, from minor bug fixes to game-changing new features, it inevitably begins to affect our software user experience. With that in mind, we’ve spent the last three months rebranding, turning Property Buddy into Landlord Studio, and doing a complete overhaul of our Property Management Softwares’ UX! We’ve cleaned it up, simplified it, and reorganized everything so that it’s even easier to navigate! Plus, there’s a bunch of new app features that will undoubtedly make you giddy with excitement.

We’ve also got a new calendar and rethought our property dashboard. Plus, we’ve added shortcuts to speed everything up! All this is repackaged in an easier and more intuitive design, getting ready for the big feature updates that are coming later in the year!Our premium product Bank Feed Integration was launched at the beginning of the 2020 and Online Rent Collection in November 2020.

When will these changes take effect?

We’ve already started the process of releasing these updated features for our users!  However, in the interest of not terrifying our loyal users with everything at once, we’re releasing the updates gradually. Updates will be released over the next few months, first on iOS devices, followed by desktop and finally for Android.

What do our users need to worry about?

Absolutely nothing! We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this – and we appreciate that big changes can take a while to get used to. This is why we are rolling the release out in stages, easing you in slowly to our new and more awesome user experience. If you’ve got any questions or need any assistance navigating our new app design contact us at

The Old

The New

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