Top 10 Real Estate Forums For Real Estate Investors And Landlords

10 of the top real estate forums that can help you gain the knowledge and experience that you need to succeed with real estate investments.

One of the best ways to stay on top of regulatory changes and learn about managing your real estate investments is through real estate forums. On these forums, you can find a huge number of knowledgeable and active investors who are more than willing to offer advice and help so that you can achieve your ambitious financial goals through real estate investing.

There are numerous real estate forums for real estate agents, commercial real estate investors, residential real estate investors, or even forums for a mixture of the three. Often the fastest way to find answers to your questions is going to be by asking people who have experience dealing with exactly the same thing and that is exactly what these real estate forums are for.

Additionally, all the experience that you gather throughout your career can be of immense use to less experienced investors, people starting out, and other people just beginning on their journey. By joining these forums you can give something back to the growing investor communities.

In this article, we take a look at the top 10 real estate forums that can help you gain the knowledge and experience that you need to succeed with real estate investments.

1. BiggerPockets

BiggerPockets is probably the primary real estate forum. It has an active community of real estate investors from all experiences and walks of life. It is one of the first places is that new investors discover and go to learn how to succeed. BiggerPockets is probably the most popular forum on this list and has a fantastic reputation in the industry.

Not only do they offer complimentary access to the forums where you could ask and answer questions for free they also have a huge number of educational resources for you to access. These resources cover strategies and advice for wholesaling, flipping, rental management, portfolio growth, and more. Many of the forums on this platform are dedicated to specific regions that you can connect with investors in your area and dig into their localized knowledge.

Who is BiggerPockets for? BiggerPockets is a good fit for people wanting to connect with other investors and who want to be part of the ecosphere of forums. BiggerPockets also offers webinars, books, podcasts, and in-person events. It’s great for investors just starting out and for more experienced investors looking to make industry connections.

2. Reddit

Reddit is one of the most popular online forum websites. It is not specific to real estate however and the forums on Reddit cover everything from humor to business. Because it’s so large and so well known there are of course some subreddits and communities which are focused specifically on real estate topics and strategies.

By joining particular subreddit groups that appeal to you most, you can gain access to a vast array of knowledge and engage in an active community. Reddit is free which makes it very appealing and the knowledge is driven by the active community members which makes it a great platform for beginners.

Who would use Reddit as a real estate forum? If you’re already a user of Reddit then this could be the way to go. You can simply join some of the communities built around the specific real estate niches you’re interested in such as local real estate investment communities, or specific kinds of real estate investments such as commercial real estate forums.

3. is a forum with many threads which are grouped and organized by location. This website has over 14 million users a month and is free, however, you do need an account to post. Because of the size and the way it’s organized it can be a bit difficult to locate relevant real estate investing topics and conversations as many of the threads are more broadly city-centric. To locate the specific niche that you’re looking for you can use the search function to look for particular keywords and then scroll through the results to find the conversation that you’re interested in.

Who is for? The city data forums cover a really broad range of topics so for this forum to be suitable for you, you need to be comfortable spending time looking through a variety of posts to find the information that interests you. This site may help you find alternative opinions and information on current events that you might not find on a more specific real estate forum.

4. Landlords, Real Estate Investors & Property Managers Hub – Facebook Group

The Landlords, Real Estate Investors & Property Managers Hub is a Facebook group dedicated to real estate investing. This group has over 36,000 members and the topics generally revolve around tips tactics and strategies for building a successful real estate business. This group is all about learning and connecting with like-minded people.

On this forum, you can find links to podcasts and articles and many of the members post regularly about their own experiences as real estate investors and what they’ve learned.

Who is this group for? This group is a good fit for people who like to ask questions and engage with a community through Facebook. Many of the questions are around specific issues or problems that other people are facing and can help you gain insight into solving your own real estate investing problems.

5. CRE Online

CRE Online stands for commercial real estate online. This is an online platform that encourages real estate investors to connect with other like-minded professionals and associations. CRE Online is a global forum with many members based in the U.S. They offer a range of educational materials including ebooks, courses, and of course their commercial real estate forum and cover numerous topics and investing styles from multi-family investments to industrial real estate investments.

The commercial real estate forum can be filtered by categories such as law and financing etc. It is free, however, many of the additional learning and educational materials need to be paid for if you want to access them.

Who is CRE Online for? CRE Online is for professionals and beginner real estate investors alike who are looking for information on specific topics with detailed answers and easily filterable categories.


This forum came from the Redfin’s Bay area forum which closed in 2016. Since its inception, it has expanded from the Bay Area and specific cities in Northern California to include a variety of real estate-based topics across the U.S. Some of the topics and threads have even extended beyond real estate investing to the broader business and investing topics such as the stock market inflation and other relevant financial topics.

This website gets thousands of posts per month and is well-organized with categories, tags, and search functionality to allow you to find the topic most relevant to you.

Who is for? Primarily this real estate forum is for those in the Bay Area region in California as this is where the forum started. However, as mentioned they have expanded over the years to incorporate a variety of non-location-based threads and it is well worth taking a look at the site and using the search functionality to locate relevant topics for you.

7. Commercial Real Estate Professionals and Investor Group

The Commercial Real Estate Professionals and Investor Group (CREPIG) forum is a social networking site for people in the commercial real estate industry.

This commercial real estate forum is designed to help connect real estate investors so they can find the resources that they need as well as like-minded professionals in the industry to organize deals, find potential lenders, locate new projects, and generally build industry connections to help develop their business. This forum is exclusively for commercial real estate, however, it appears to be only lightly moderated.

Who is CREPIG for? This site is really good for investors who are interested specifically in commercial real estate discussions and building industry connections.


Wall Street Oasis is a commercial real estate forum for professionals. It is a well-moderated site with conversations and topics around the health and current news of the real estate industry as well as topics around portfolio and career growth, and portfolio management tips.

The message board on this real estate forum is pretty easy to use and allows you to easily locate topics of interest, bringing the most popular topics to the top.

Who is the Wall Street Oasis for? This site is for commercial real estate professionals and people interested in general news surrounding the real estate industry.

9. Free Advice – Real Estate Forum

Running a real estate portfolio is like running any kind of business. As such real estate investors need to be aware of all the best practices and legal requirements of running their rental portfolio. This real estate forum covers topics relevant to buying and selling as well as landlord-tenant laws.

This forum is a good place to start your search for legal information, however, it’s a good idea to double and triple-check any free legal information or advice you get online.

Who The Free Advice Forum is for? This forum is for people with specific legal questions pertaining to running their commercial or residential real estate portfolio.

10. Facebook, LinkedIn, etc

The last item on our list isn’t exactly a forum or even a specific site. This is the social networking category of forums. On social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, there are numerous groups you can find and join with other like-minded professionals in the real estate field. Many of these groups are well moderated and have many knowledgeable and active members and can be a fantastic resource for beginner and experienced investors alike.

To find the best groups for you head over to your preferred platforms and do a quick search. For example, you might search “Real Estate Investing [your location]”. Join a few groups and see which you prefer.

Explore and engage in these public forums with decorum, but otherwise, enjoy the resources at your disposal.

Final Words

Real estate forums are a great way to make valuable industry connections as well as find information on specific problems or issues that you are currently having while trying to scale your portfolio. There is a wealth of experience and knowledge out there and a number of people are more than willing to share it.

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