Landlords aren’t just satisfied, they have real business results.
"I have chosen a Landlord Studio after going through several tools online. It's also reasonably priced which I like."
"The ability to reconcile bank feeds and attach a receipt against a list of suppliers is a great feature."
"I struggled with having a spreadsheet for each property. Using Landlord Studio I can record income/expense and then within seconds produce a spreadsheet that I can send to my accountant"
"I realized that QuickBooks wasn't quite sufficient and I started to look around for an affordable tool to replace my spreadsheets and chose Landlord Studio."
"We couldn't live as freely and easily without Landlord Studio. All my tenants are quite happy they get their notifications from Landlord Studio. It's dead easy."
"I tested out several other programs before purchasing Landlord Studio and I'm very happy with it so far. One of my favorite features is the ability to just snap a picture of a receipt and put it in the correct rental unit expense."
"I chose Landlord Studio because of the user-friendliness of the interface. It's a bit like Apple in that it's easy to use. You can figure it out without instructions or spending ages learning."
“My dad’s 75 and has over 20 units – Airbnbs, apartments and commercial. We needed a software to help us and Landlord Studio’s been the one. It’s made it so easy for him.”
We have a broad range of features designed to help you save money and make the management of your properties easier and less time-consuming. Plus, we are free for 1 - 3 properties, so that you can test us out before you buy.
Landlord Studio provides an all in one easy-to-use property management software available on mobile and desktop.